
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Mission Complete

It has been a long day! i was asleep last night at 1am and up again at 3am to set off down to Donna Nook in time for the sunrise. The journey took less than we expected so we had plenty of time to set up before the sun came up. Unfortunatly no sun means no light and it was difficult to understand where we were. We headed towards the some strange sounds that we thought might be seals and eventually came across half a dozen bulls lazing around, it was hard to make them out so we set up tent while we waited for the sun to rise. Once there was enough light to shoot i started to edge out towards one of the bull seals, crawling on my front keeping low like i had researched, edging closer over quite a long period of time so as to not startle the seal. I eventually got within 7 to 8 feet of the bull and started to shoot with the rising sun backlighting him. After crawling around in the freezing boggy sand, soaking wet through and shivering! we started to notice where we were situated in relation to the seals and the dry land. Suddenly we could see and read signs which stated we were not supposed to be where we were! we started to pack up and eventually a warden of some sort came over and politely informed us we were not supposed to be there and there was going to be a Royal Air Force bombing practice taking place. We had stupidly pitched the tent right in the middle of the bull seals because of the lack of light when we arrived.

We decided to have a walk along the route which is for the general public to view the seals, it turned out this was where the mothers and pups were situated along with the dominant bull seals.

I got some great shots and even a video:

The weather could not have been better, clear skies and sun but it was still bitterly cold.
I will be looking through my images tonight and selecting my favourites for editing.

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